

Obstetrics services offered in San Bernardino, CA

For more than 30 years, Betty Daniels, MD, and her team of nurse practitioners and certified nurse-midwives at Woman to Woman Ob/Gyn Medical Group in San Bernardino, California, have been providing exceptional care for women located in Southern California’s Inland Empire. The team specializes in obstetrics and has helped numerous women bring their babies into the world. If you’re expecting and need obstetric care, contact the experienced team by phone or online today to schedule an appointment.

Obstetrics Q&A

What is obstetrics?

Obstetrics is a medical specialty focused on the management of pregnancy, labor, and delivery, as well as the care you need after you’ve delivered the baby. 

One of the primary aims of obstetrics is that every pregnancy is planned and results in a healthy mother and a healthy baby. 

The experienced health care providers at Woman to Woman Ob/Gyn Medical Group have been providing exceptional obstetric care for more than 30 years and has even provided care for many generations of women within the same family. 

The board-certified OB/GYN team underwent special training after completing medical school to be able to provide the exceptional care you need throughout your pregnancy. 

What can I expect during obstetric care?

You can expect compassionate and comprehensive obstetric care at Woman to Woman Ob/Gyn Medical Group. Early and regular obstetric care during pregnancy ensures both you and baby stay healthy and happy. 

While you’re receiving obstetric care, the team at Woman to Woman Ob/Gyn Medical Group:

  • Closely monitors you and your baby’s health
  • Assesses for health conditions that may affect pregnancy
  • Provides treatment for pregnancy-related conditions
  • Reviews what to expect during labor and delivery
  • Educates you about diet and exercise needs

The frequency of your obstetric appointments may depend on how far along you are. During the early months, appointments are usually once a month and then become more frequent the closer you get to your due date. 

If your pregnancy is high-risk, you may have more frequent visits to the office. Your pregnancy may be considered high-risk if you have an underlying health issue or carrying multiple babies.

What happens after I have the baby?

The team at Woman to Woman Ob/Gyn Medical Group continues to provide obstetric care after the birth of your baby. 

During your postpartum care, the team monitors both your physical and mental health and provides medical care and treatments to support you and your new stage of life. 

The experienced team also specializes in gynecological care and continues to monitor you and your health once you’ve transitioned out of postpartum care. 

For compassionate and experienced obstetric care from a team that puts you and your health first, contact Woman to Woman Ob/Gyn Medical Group by phone or online today.